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Dating phrases and vocabulary

Writer's picture: Indu ShrivastavaIndu Shrivastava

Want to date a Japanese person but falling short of words? This blog is for you! Read till the end to learn some useful phrases. 😁


First of all I would like to thank you for joining the live on Learn Japanese with Mayo and Indu channel. I am writing this in lines with and also in continuation to the same topic.


The first thing that I want to list here is how to describe a person. It's very important as you can use these words to not only describe but also flatter them!

  • イケメン Ikemen Handsome

  • 可愛い kawaii - cute - This is generally used for girls but of course boys/men could be cute too! If you are in Japan, this is probably the most common word that you will come across after ありがとう and すみません。This is because its not only used to describe looks or actions of a person but also things! Japanese girls looks at most things and end up saying かわいい。Just saying 🤣

  • 美人 Bijin- Beautiful -If you look at the kanji here, first kanji is of 美しい meaning beautiful and the second one is of person (人ーひと). So together it makes beautiful person. It's mostly just used for girls.

  • かっこいい Kakkoii- Used to describe a person who is COOL! Japanese people would say this to a person who is a multi tasker or may be speaks a lot of languages or plays football etc.

  • すてき Suteki- Pretty/ beautiful/perfect- For example すてきなひと would be used for a person who is overall perfect. This word can be used for not just a person but also for a place, view or even a situation.

  • あたまがいい Atama ga ii - Intelligent. Atama means head and ii meaning good. Overall it means intelligent or smart person. Can be used to describe both men and women.

  • センスがいい sensu ga ii- A person with good taste.


Words for expressing love

First of all, confessing is 告白 (kokuhaku) in Japanese. Now some words for expressing how you feel about a certain person.

  • 好き suki- I love you. あなたのことが好き (Anata no koto ga suki) meaning I love you. It would probably be more natural if you say it with a name. For example- ゆりのことがすき (yuri no koto ga suki) meaning I love you,yuri. As explained by Mayo, boys generally tend to say すきだよ (suki da yo) whereas girls would say すき in a cute, low pitched voice.

  • 大好き Daisuki- I love you. Some of my students often get confused because in the basic Japanese classes you are taught that すき means like and だいすき means love. In case of expressing your feeling however its the same. When you say すきor すきです or when you say だいすき or だいすきです its the same!

  • 愛してる Aishiteru- I love you. This is said to a person that you would want to marry. Meaning its more serious and deep than the above two.

  • 気になる Ki ni naru- Take liking to/ get a crush on/ be interested in. This is like a phase when you get really curious about someone and would want to know more about them. For example - 最近田中君のこと気になってる (saikin tanaka kun no koto ki ni natteru-lately I have been thinking of Tanaka )

  • 好きになる Suki ni naru - Start liking someone.

  • 夢中になる Muchyu ni naru- get absorbed in . This is mostly used when you are deeply involved in someone or something. It's often also used when you get too absorbed in a movie or a character or a tv series.



Dating is 付き合う (tsukiau) in Japanese.

How do you say please go out with me?

私と付き合ってください。Please go out on a date with me. Since its mostly boys who ask a girl out the phrase generally is 僕と付き合ってください meaning the same as above except that ぼく is used here.

Before going any further I want to tell you some important vocabulary.

Lover こいびと 恋人

Boyfriend かれし 彼氏

Girlfriend かのじょ 彼女

Please note that かのじょ could also mean she/her. How to differentiate will depend on the context of the sentence.

Ok, so now that you have learned this basic vocabulary I would like to teach you how to invite someone.

The verb for 'to invite' is さそう

___にさそう means inviting someone for___.

Let's say you want to invite your partner to a concert.


or a movie


Although there are some simpler ways of asking for a movie . Ex: えいがをみにいきませんか?Won't you come for a movie with me?

or may be you want to invite them for shopping and hanging out you can say かいものでもいかない?  or かいものでもどう?both have similar meaning. Won't you come for shopping with me or how about going on shopping date?

Next let's see how you can ask to connect with them on LINE. This is extremely useful especially if you are in Japan. This would come handy not only for dating but also with your friends.


こうかん meaning exchange so this is basically asking to exchange LINE IDs.

Similar phrase is used if you want to exchange phone numbers.






Last one is probably most natural.


How about dating places? In Japan, as Mayo and I discussed in the live, going to the movies is the most common first date. How about in your country? Tell me in the comments !

Dating places:

えいがかん Movie theatre

レストラン Restaurant

こうえん Park

びじゅつかん Museum

すいぞくかん Aquarium

ディズニーランド Disney land


Rejecting someone:

Rejecting or turning someone down- ことわる

Getting rejected by someone : ___にふられた

For ex: よこさんにふられた I got dumped by Yuko.


That's all for Dating phrases and vocabulary!

Till next time



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